Coach support

Individual and group support

The pro­gram is avail­able with small group guid­ance (work­shops) by spe­cial­ized coun­selors and/or trained mas­ter’s lev­el psy­chol­o­gy stu­dents. The coach­ing sup­port is or­ga­nized by JYU’s psy­chol­o­gy de­part­ment and is free of charge to all JYU’s de­gree stu­dents. 

We of­fer also one-to-one coach sup­port. The in­di­vid­ual guid­ed op­tion of the pro­gram is suit­able for stu­dents that would like to work with the pro­gram's ma­te­r­i­al in a more in­di­vid­u­al­ized man­ner, re­ceive coach feed­back, and ad­dress any oth­er is­sues in ad­di­tion to the themes cov­ered by the pro­gram with their coach.

One-to-one coach-guided programs 


We offer the online program with individual coach support!

This coach support option is for you when you want to improve your well-being but don’t know where to start. Personal contact provides an opportunity to discuss not only the themes of the OK-program, but also any topic that you currently find important or challenging. Personal guidance can help, for example, to clarify things that may be an obstacle to your well-being in general, hinder your studies or cause problems in interpersonal relationships. Personal guidance can also help you commit to taking concrete steps towards enhancing your wellbeing. 

What and where?

Fall's free coach will start on week 42 and end during weeks 49-50. Support includes:

- 3 x 60 mins individual sessions with your assigned coach

- working independently online on the program's assigned tasks

- 3 coach feedback sessions on program's exercises from our coach

Who is offering the coaching?

Master’s level psychology students are offering support. Our coaches receive training and supervision by our project researcher and psychologist, Panajiota Räsänen  

Individual guidance 2024-2025

Spring 2025

Individual guidance: We offer wellbeing one-to-one coaching during weeks 8-15. Check out the detailed schedule.

Registrations: 15.1.2025–3.2.2025

Register easily by filling in our Webpropol -online formThe link to the form will open on 15.1.2025.

All suitable candidates for one-on-one coaching will be contacted by email from 4.2.2025 onwards.

More info

Group support - Workshops 




The Student Compass programme is avail­able with small group guid­ance (work­shops) by two wellbeing coaches. 

The group guidance option offers an additional avenue to connect with fellow students, engage in discussions, and partake in practical exercises beyond the Student Compass’ wellbeing themes. These activities take place in a small group setting, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all participants. Currently, our workshops are tailored for international students.

The primary objective of group guidance is to deliver accessible support tailored to your individual needs. Participating in the Student Compass group support workshops presents several tangible benefits:

  • Opportunity to practice your mental wellbeing skills through exercises, discussions and personal reflections

  • Development of essential social skills

  • Opportunities to share your unique experiences

  • Valuable peer support and constructive feedback

Group guidance lasts for 5-6 weeks and includes:

  • 4 group meetings led by two wellbeing coaches. 

  • Independent work in the Student Compass online environment. 

During workshops, some common topics that we may cover are:  

  • Personal values and goals

  • Stress, recovery and building routines

  • Feelings of isolation and loneliness

  • Time management

  • Performance and self-compassion

  • Dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions 

The workshop themes are typically determined collaboratively during the initial session, with a focus on addressing both individual and collective needs within the group.

Spring 2025

JYU OK? Works­hop on men­tal well­being for in­ter­na­tio­nal stu­dents

Do you feel the weight of stress and anxie­ty whi­le na­vi­ga­ting life as an in­ter­na­tio­nal stu­dent? Are you fee­ling lo­ne­ly and iso­la­ted? Do you want to get prac­tical tools to im­pro­ve your men­tal well­being whi­le mee­ting ot­her in­ter­na­tio­nal stu­dents? Join the JYU OK? -works­hop that inclu­des the Stu­dent Com­pass on­li­ne well­being-pro­gram!

The Stu­dent Com­pass (OK) of­fers a free well­being works­hop to In­ter­na­tio­nal Mas­ter’s degree stu­dents. In the works­hop, you will have a great op­por­tu­ni­ty to learn and prac­tice men­tal well­being skills that are im­por­tant in study­ing, work­ing, in­ter­per­son­al re­la­tions­hips and life in gen­er­al.  


Group guidance is available once a year. The next workshop will be offered in Spring 2025.

Group meetings: weeks 5-12

Registration: 10.12.2024 - 14.1.2025. Register easily by filling in our Webpropol -online form (link coming soon).


Read more about JYU OK? works­hop.
